Agustin Fernandez

Agustin Fernandez is a consummate printmaker; almost all of his prints exist in scuptured variants where the raw surface of the image serves for a background and carries object derived decoration.

The ornamentation, however, is never arbitrary. Its emblematic components are closely allied to the content of the printed imagery.

Geniune objects are juxtaposed against their own outlines, and real shadows complete with graphic shadings for the verisimilitude’s competitive impact. With the simplest implements he produces formidable intellectual and graphic demonstrations. The final compositions have a stunning elegance which exploits both the rational process’s and the artistic discipline’s separate seeming criteria. It is certainly not an exaggerated claim to see the beginnings of a ‘conceptual art’ in these prints – most of which come from well before the present vogue for skeltal statements of ‘thought-art’.