Ilya Bolotowsky

Russian-American master artist, Ilya Bolotowsky is one of the leading exponents of the neo-plasticismmovement. Neoplasticism is the belief that art should not be the reproduction of real objects, but the expression of the absolutes of life. To the artists way of thinking, the only absolutes of life were vertical and horizontal lines and the primary colors. To this end neoplasticisist only used planar elements and the colors red, yellow, and blue.


“As a neo-plasticist, I strive after an ideal of harmony. …Neoplasticism can achieve unequaled tension, equilibrium, and harmony through the relationship of the vertical and horizontal elements.” (Ilya Bolotowsky, March 15, 1969)

Bolotowsky’s work is in the collections of many major modern art museums around the world.