Yaacov Agam Candelabragam Menorah Sculpture Stainless Steel

Yaacov Agam


Sculpture Stainless Steel
9 x 14 in
23 x 35 cm

Candelabragam, four-dimensional menorah, with multiple arrangemants possible by moving the stems and spinning the “dreidles.”

Featured on the cover of “ART and JUDAISM”

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Date of Creation


signed and numbered

Yaacov Agam Candelabragam Menorah Sculpture Stainless Steel

Yaacov Agam Candelabragam Sculpture Stainless Steel 9 x 14 in 23 x 35 cm Candelabragam, four-dimensional menorah, with multiple arrangemants possible by moving the stems and spinning the "dreidles." Featured on the cover of "ART and JUDAISM"

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